Useful Tips Before You Get Started – Account Owners

Helping you understand how things work.

Welcome to WorkSmarter! Here are some essential tips to help you get started smoothly.

Account Owner Responsibilities

Who is the Account Owner?

The Account Owner is typically the Managing Director or HR Manager—someone with the authority to view all HR information within your company.

Registering the Company

As the Account Owner, you will register the company and set up user accounts, allowing you to manage them accordingly.

Setting Up Offices

If you have more than one office, each will need to be added separately. You can add as many offices as necessary, but we recommend doing one office at a time to keep all information organised.

Head Office

We suggest adding your Head Office first because we automatically assign Head Office status to the first office you add. This can be changed later if needed.

Assigning Departments and Staff

Organising Departments and Staff

You can assign departments and staff to each office. Offices and departments can collaborate, allowing everyone to view relevant information, such as holidays, announcements, and shared training.

Staff Designations

Staff are designated as either Managers or Employees.

Multi-Department Staff

Some staff may work within more than one department. You can add them to every relevant listing, and they’ll be grouped accordingly.

Department Assignments

Staff are always assigned to departments rather than specific offices; some may work between different locations.

Manager Responsibilities

Manager Permissions

Managers can view and manage all employees and holiday requests within their departments. You can set permissions for each manager within their profile.

Onboarding New Staff

Each time you create a new staff member, we’ll send them a welcome email with the details they need to log in and activate their user account. We’ll continue to send reminders until they complete the onboarding process.

Updating Settings

It's easy to update settings and information from within your account. Don’t worry if you need to change any details later on.

We hope these tips help you get started with WorkSmarter. Please visit our Help Centre or contact our support team if you need further assistance.

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